Daniel Village Barber Shop

“Always The Best”

Archive for the month “August, 2008”

Last Call For Summerhol

As the days get shorter and the mercury says it is tolerable to roam around outdoors, our great holiday makers give us a small gift. The gift is ironically called Labor Day.

Daniel Village Barber Shop will be closed for the holiday, but as we move into September, let’s all be thankful for our professions. I drive past the construction site of ADP each morning. Usually it is bristling with contruction workers. The big rains that we enjoyed recently left the construction site quite unconstructionable. Outside workers deal with the ups and downs of weather daily. Laborless Days may come anytime, but these “off” days reek havoc for deadlines. We admire you for your patience.

The “Blue Ribbon” goes to the Policemen, Firemen, EMTs, and School Teachers. We admire you for your dedication! The “frontline” is a dangerous job. We pray for you.

The top of the list is  our medical professionals. Thanks to each and everyone of you worldwide for your never-ending dedication. We admire you guys because you guys are awesome! Sometimes the choice boils down to taking God’s handiwork into your precious hands. We trust and respect your advice and dexterity.

Being together with your family is one of Nature’s ultimate plans. As we romp and play this Labor Day, let us all remember those who work varying time schedules just to make sure your Labor Day is a plan of Nature.

Happy Labor Day To All!

Shakey Shears…


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